Roundup 11/13/10

Should Antwaan Randle El be used in trick plays more often?

How lucky or unlucky have today's crop of QBs been? The Rivers Index tells us.

"Getting the most out of a professional athlete does not involve filling his head with useless facts and statistics and probabilities, and filling him with fear of what may happen if he forgets them." That's the perspective of Nate Jackson, a TE who was cut from the Browns in August. That seems right on the money to me. The picture he paints of the Browns' training camp reminds me of Plebe Summer. Don't miss the interview Jackson links to in his article.

John Candido has posted up to date play-by-play data for everyone over at the Community site.

The Lions are improving.

Welcome to the Seyi Ajirotutu era, Chargers fans.

By the time you finish reading this sentence, you might already have been sacked. (h/k - FO)

Not much to do with football stats, but I enjoyed this. This was my favorite line: "[the] article had about a 1 in 50 tredecillion chance of being written by Reilly."

NFL-Forecast has updated playoff probabilities.

Does changing the coach in mid-season matter?

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2 Responses to “Roundup 11/13/10”

  1. Doctorjorts says:

    I'm not entirely sure I agree with Jackson's account, at least in applying it to all sports. I became a big fan of Shane Battier after I read this NYT article:

    I guess the key is making sure you know which athletes can handle the statistics and how to take advantage of tendency, and which ones are better suited to letting their instincts take over.

  2. Ryan says:


    About the Randle-El question, I've wondered aloud the same thing many times about kickoff returns. Nearly every time I see a misdirection on a return, either a reverse handoff or a fake, it's gone for a huge gain and sometimes a TD. To me it makes sense to do this a lot more often... it's fairly low-risk, and even if you're just faking it, getting a couple guys to bite or slow down can make a huge difference. Seems like the optimal time to open up the field, and I'm amazed teams don't do it more often.

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