Joint Statistical Meetings

I've been invited to speak at the Joint Statistical Meetings this year, an annual event hosted primarily by the American Statistical Association. It will take place August 3-8 in Montreal. The theme of the talk is Big Data in Sports. My talk is scheduled for Monday the 5th. So if you'll be in Montreal for the conference, please come by and say hi.

Gagnez le jour, Alouettes!

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6 Responses to “Joint Statistical Meetings”

  1. Phil Birnbaum says:


  2. Toby says:


    I look forward to your upcoming posts as the regular season approaches nearer ... I've been scratching my neck the past few months waiting (patiently) for my ANS fix!

  3. James says:

    Ditto Toby!

    Also, if possible it'd be nice if you could add a "recent comments" section somewhere on the site so I could see where the most current activity is. It'd be sad if a week old article had a great comment no one saw because it got bumped off the front page!

  4. Anonymous says:

    +1 James. I'd also very much like to see a recent comments section.

    +1 Toby. I've been re-reading a bunch of the old articles while crying my red eyes dry and rocking back and forth, two longs strings of snot hanging out of my nostrils. I refresh the page every few minutes in the hopes that something new will be published only to start a new round of sobbing and rocking when there is nothing.

    Brian, you seriously need to stop being so selfish. Family? Career? What is important is writing up free analysis for us to read! GET YOUR PRIORITIES STRAIGHT, MAN! Here we are selflessly reading your superlative work and you let us down! LOL!

    Seriously, keep up the fantastic work man, absolutely love the site and the work. Thanks for everything.


  5. Anonymous says:

    Oh yes, and good luck in Montreal. Bonne chance!


  6. Unknown says:

    Link to the talk video by chance?

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