Moss to Minnesota

Randy Moss goes back to the Vikings. Here is his career trajectory, since 2000 anyway. If he continues to be a deep threat, in addition to his own production, he would open up more opportunities for the other Minnesota receivers, and even for the running game.

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4 Responses to “Moss to Minnesota”

  1. Brandon says:

    As a Jets fan I will sure miss the Patriots not having him

  2. Plinthy the Middling says:

    ...which would make a lot more sense if the Vikings were not playing the Jets on Monday.

  3. Jonathan says:

    Jets play the Vikings this week
    then the Pats next week

    Seeing as how the Pats game means more to the Jets, it totally makes sense to me. Furthermore, the Pats may just lose an extra game or two on their own without Moss. That also helps the Jets.

  4. Jonathan says:

    der...I meant the Pats later this season.

    I don't know what week.

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