Announcement: 2013 MIT-Sloan Sports Analytics Conference

I've resisted attending conferences and other events like the league's rookie combine, but I've had a change of heart. I will be attending the MIT Sloan Sports Analytics Conference this March. And I'm proud to announce I've been invited to be a member of the football analytics panel, which I think will be a lot of fun.

The conference will be March 1-2 at the Boston Convention Center. I'm looking forward to meeting many of you there.

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4 Responses to “Announcement: 2013 MIT-Sloan Sports Analytics Conference”

  1. David Todd says:

    Good stuff Brian, you will make a great addition.

  2. Ryan says:

    Awesome! Some co-workers went last year and I was surprised you weren't in the lineup. It seems like this is perfectly aligned with your expertise, hopefully I can make my way there somehow.

  3. sunrise089 says:

    Brian, I was so excited you were coming to share your NHL wisdom ( but I saw you just got fired ( It's a roller coaster ride!

  4. Juan Carlos says:

    That's awesome, Brian.

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